After the excitement of the March Mad Hatter Party, there was no rest for the wicked. It was all hands on deck madly cleaning the house on Sunday, to make it presentable for Monday.
What was happening on Monday the 4th March?
Well, I’m glad you asked ....
We were lucky enough to be approached a few weeks ago, by Genevieve Morgan a journalist from the Advertiser newspaper. She was writing an article about the Kink culture in Adelaide, and was keen to include a glimpse into the Swinger scene as part of the article. We were grateful to be approached as we had heard that the article was well-written. It seemed like a great opportunity to talk about sex positivity and reducing stigma; and also figured that the exposure wouldn’t hurt either!
Fast forward a couple of weeks, and suddenly a photo shoot for the article was scheduled at The Rabbit Hole for Monday 4th of March.
We were excited!
Monday night rolls around, and the 4 of us are nervous. We needn’t have been though, Matt Turner the photographer was friendly and professional, and immediately put us at ease. Tim Patch aka Pricasso (who was staying at the house for the week) came home halfway through the shoot, and cheerily contributed by offering tips on poses and camera angles whilst perched on the sex swing! It was heaps of fun, and as you can see from the end result, we got some cool photos!
He’s a fabulous character, dear old Pricasso, and we are so glad to have made his acquaintance. He wields his magical unique paintbrush with absolute finesse, and we love his work! He was kind enough to paint all 4 of us, and much to our delight, also painted “Alice and the White Rabbit” as a wonderful surprise! He tells us he made a video of the evolution of that painting .... we can’t wait to see it! You can be sure we will be showing the video when he finally sends it to us; it is bound to be deliciously wicked!
Saturday the 9th March eventually arrives, and we are not disappointed. Emblazoning the cover page of the SA Weekend magazine liftout of the Advertiser newspaper is a fabulous glossy photograph of the Switch crew outside of Enigma Bar, complete with the titillating catchphrase “From spanking to swingers. It’s a fine line between pleasure and pain”.
The article within is tight. It is well researched, and written with an open mind. It shows an acceptance and willingness to learn about those of us who are different. Not only is it non-judgemental, Genevieve has managed to showcase our community’s passion for what we do, and a glimpse into why we do it. And most importantly of all, she reinforces the clear message of Safe, Sane and Consensual.
We are honoured, to be included in its write-up, and honoured to be associated with the kink community.
And the photographs! They are sexy, colourful, edgy, and just amazing! And the photograph of us 4 hosts on our orgy bed ... if I may just brag a teensy bit ... don’t we look just sexy as hell!
Take a trip down the rabbit hole indeed; you never know where you’ll end up. Could just be your semi-naked self in the newspaper!
Sadly, Saturday the 9th of March brings with it some shocking news as well. Pricasso had been handing out flyers to his Fringe show the night before in Rundle Mall, and was targeted by a youth who punched him unconscious for ‘being dressed inappropriately’. He was admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital overnight for concussion, and we brought him home on Saturday morning. He continued to vomit all day from the vertigo caused by the concussion however, and had to cancel his show that night.
After the highs of the day from the brilliant article, the bashing of Tim Patch is a somber reminder that the outside world can still a dangerous place for us.
We are heart-broken, and wish Tim a speedy recovery.
Anyway, enough of my musings for now. Our next event is Peek Down The Rabbit Hole this Sunday 17 March, and there are already 46 people booked in!
Love to all,
Wendee xx
