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Ten is a good number for a Tea Party


Procrastination is a bitch. I have been wanting to write this blog for a couple of months now, but I’ve been having far too much fun experimenting with pushing boundaries on social media! Who knew Twitter is really just a porn site?! Anyway, I wanted to tell you about how much more we are enjoying hosting parties this year, and about how we have over 1000 site members now. I was going to tell you how towards the end of every party now, you will more often than not find me dancing happily in my stockinged feet sometimes still in lingerie and sometimes not, not daring yet believe that the new direction is really working.

Instead, I’m going to tell you about how we’re going to have to reinvent the wheel again, now that we’re in Lockdown 3 in South Australia. Lockdown for The Rabbit Hole; because it looks like home gathering restrictions will remain capped at 10 for the foreseeable future.

Delta strain of Covid-19 is a game changer (indulge me for 1 paragraph). It is so infectious, authorities currently believe that at least 70-80% of the population needs to be vaccinated before our health system will be able to cope with allowing unrestrained movement of people. As a doctor myself, I am well invested in the concept of not overwhelming our health system. I have heard unimaginable horror stories from colleagues around the world working in collapsed health systems, forced to make decisions in a war we were never trained to fight. When health systems are overwhelmed, people die from common things they normally would not die from. I simply cannot imagine helplessly watching a child die from an asthma attack because the ICU ward is full of unvaccinated Covid patients – which is what is happening in parts of USA right now, as Delta sweeps through.

I am grateful to be living where we are, and can confirm that TRH will be adhering to government mandated home gathering guidelines. And we will continue publicly advocating for vaccination, despite criticism from some.

Unfortunately, t the current home gathering restriction of 10 people in a residential house, TRH cannot host events like we previously did. But rent and bills still need to be paid, and we would be grateful for your help to keep afloat until we can hold parties like the good old days again.

We have a few ideas up our sleeves. Parties of 10 can still be a lot of fun, just a different type of fun!

Private Hire.

Hiring The Rabbit Hole for yourself to hold your own event has always been available for our guests. Details on pricing and Terms and Conditions are on the Private Hire page.

Custom Events.

We can help you host a private party you’ve always dreamed of! The format will be similar to the one we used when we were hosting GangBang events in 2020. All you need to do is tell us who you are and what you’re looking for, and we’ll put your event together for you and advertise it for you. Choose your own guests!

Some ideas for types of events:

Couples only

Under 30s

Over 50s

Bisexual couples

Cougar-cub parties

Gang Bangs

Greedy Girls

CFNM (Clothed Female Naked Male)

Bondage Party

Girls Night

Men Only

Photography party


Anything you want really … the sky’s the limit! (Well actually Adelaide’s your limit, but you get my point)

You may of course check with us if applicants to join your party are known to The Rabbit Hole.

Details on the process as well as pricing is on the Private Hire page.

Meet and Play Parties.

Meet and Play events will be held as a private gathering in a public venue, and then guests can move on to The Rabbit Hole for play if/when they make sexy connections on the night. There will be a small charge that will give you access to the event. Purchase your own drinks at the bar. No play allowed in the public venue of course, but The Rabbit Hole will be open throughout the night for you to take it all the way! Maximum number of 10 at The Rabbit Hole at any one time of course.

These events will be open ONLY to site members, you'll just need to log in and register as usual. If you are not yet a member, just sign up when you click “I’m interested” and we will respond ASAP. Pricing will be on the Event description when advertised.

Thank you all for rolling with us, with the constant changes as we try to keep up with the curve balls the pesky virus keeps throwing at us. We can win this, but only if we fight together. Help us keep the business ticking along any way we can, until our regular events can resume. As usual, contact us via email or phone, or facebook if you have any questions that are unanswered on the website. I’m still not familiar with Twitter, and I keep getting distracted by the porn, so I’ve been a bit slow on getting back to those messages, sorry! Email is best.


Wendee on behalf of The Rabbit Hole team x



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