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The Rabbit Hole turns One!

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

”Lying languidly on the massage table, was beautiful Shana, gloriously naked.“

The Rabbit Hole had our 1st birthday party last weekend, and EVERYONE turned up to help us celebrate! It was our biggest party to date: many guests were regulars, some were newbies we’d only just met at Meet and Greet the week before, and it was wonderful to welcome back several who we haven’t seen in many months.

We were ready when the first guests rang the doorbell at 8.30pm; I knew we would be busy so we had a full complement of staff working that night. 2 were on the door checking names off the guest list, 2 were on the reception desk, and we had 4 staff members mingling as well as doing tours for new guests. It was a steady stream of joviality arriving right up till 10pm, and it was awesome seeing everyone’s eyes light up as they walked into the lounge room after coming out of the changeroom!

Lying languidly on the massage table, was beautiful Shana, gloriously naked.

Well .. naked except for the whorls of white icing being carefully piped onto her flawless skin. Standing over her was the most drool-worthy cake decorator you ever saw: Shandi was looking eye-poppingly sexy in her low cut bikini top and cheeky short skirt, pink baker’s hat, knee high socks and black heels!!

Right on 10pm, the cake was done. We closed the front door, and everyone squeezed into the lounge room, on the floor, in the passageway, and on the stairs. I stood next to Shana, who was now wearing a colourful edible bikini cake of delicious bite-sized morsels. (Oh boy, did she enjoy getting thoroughly licked off and eaten up by the guests!😁😈)

Public speaking always makes me nervous, but I wasn’t nervous tonight. I wanted to say so much, as so much amazing has happened in the last one year, but I was conscious people weren’t there to listen to me wax lyrical. After giving out the prizes kindly donated by AdultMatchMaker and Adult Bliss Erotic Boutique, I quickly thanked my co-hosts/poly family Andrew, David and Chrissy, as well as all our wonderful helpers without whom it would be impossible to host the successful parties that we now do. I was then about to ‘cut the cake’ (I had to reassure Shana that it was just a metaphor and we weren’t actually going to cut her with a knife, bless her! Her trepidation was of course understandable, you just never know what kinksters will do! 😉), when someone shouted out: “Aren’t we going to sing Happy Birthday??”

And before I could protest, the whole house erupted into an enthusiastic rendition of Happy Birthday, and I had no choice but to join in 😍.

And that was the moment I realised what we had done. I had thought people would be keen to get the formalities over and done with so they could get on with the business of playing; but nope, I saw instead people who were now our community, and we were all there celebrating our birthday together! We haven’t just created a venue for Swingers, but have

created a community of sex-positive and fun people, who look forward to hanging out together and letting their hair down after a hard week. Our regulars now come through the front door smiling and with a ready hug for Chrissy, and there’s a few special gentlemen who come along now who know I love it when they scoop me up in a giant spine-crunching bear hug ☺️.

Sometimes our guests feel a little embarrassed at how often they come, at how much they love all the sex - and we gently remind them that there is no shame whatsoever in being a ‘slut’. We proudly reclaim the word slut - the freedom and right to have consensual sex with whoever we want, whenever we want, as many times as we want. If I may quote from “The Ethical Slut”: Sex is nice and Pleasure is good for you!

Watching them all lustily singing Happy Birthday at the top of their voices, I am struck by how just a year ago we didn’t know most of them, and they didn’t know us. I remember our first few parties when everybody was new, and were polite and well-behaved, unsure as to what was ok and what was not. And now, they all walk confidently through the house with their drinks in hand, stopping frequently to give friends and acquaintances a kiss and a hello on their way to the fridge. It’s just so heartwarming to see!

For us, we had needed to find our feet too. The first year has been a gradual process launching The Rabbit Hole and its philosophy of Inclusivity; we had to re-invent the wheel a bit as we wanted to incorporate kink, as well as LGBT acceptance.

We had started with free Peek Down The Rabbit Hole events to introduce ourselves, but within 4 months, launched Meet and Greet events at minimal cost to replace Peek as many people didn’t want to just go home after having a look around, and wanted to hang out and get to know each other better! These Meets have been immensely popular, it is a great introduction without the pressure to play 😊.

It took a little while to refine the management of single men. There was no question of whether to include them at The Rabbit Hole, the question was how. Vetting them at Meet and Greet turned out not to be the best idea, so we launched An Information Night for Men: Successful Swinging at The Rabbit Hole in October 2019. We have had 4 of these so far, and have had excellent feedback from the men, and we are continuing to refine the content.

We were nervous about launching 2 never-been-done-before-in-Adelaide events (Kink and Rainbow), so we did a fair amount of consultation prior to promoting them. Thank you to those of you who readily offered advice and help, you know who you are 😘. Though numbers are of course smaller than our regular events, people enjoy the variety and succinctly different atmosphere, and they are here to stay.

Rainbow Party is our baby. There was a lot of thought that went into its concept: it is purposely designed to exclude homo/bi/trans phobia, but more importantly: otherphobia. Which includes heterophobia from the rainbow community. It would be easier of course to just hold “women only” or “men only” events, but we were keen to promote non-segregation; and instead hope to foster an environment where guests can mingle and chat with people they don’t normally hang out with, and feel safe not only to perhaps explore where they haven’t considered going before, but at the other end also to safely be able to respectfully enforce boundaries if they didn’t want to play. Easier said than done I know, but we believe a worthy skill to have. We held 2 Rainbow parties last year, and the vibe and atmosphere of both were amazing: not sure how to describe it other than they are distinctly different to regular parties, laid back and chill but still sexy, without the intensity of an abundance of testosterone perhaps. Rainbow parties are my favourite 🥰.Have a listen to By The Bi's podcast review here.

Kink Swingers parties were also uncharted territory, traditionally swinging and kink never the twain shall meet. For me though (and I know for many other people as well) kink is very sexual, and I was keen not only to allow the regular Swingers an avenue to explore, but also wanted to provide a safe space for kinksters to be able to play harder and sexually, without traumatising the vanilla swingers. The kink community seems to be have been watching the evolution of The Rabbit Hole I think, understandably wary, and I hope the gulf between the 2 communities can continue to narrow, and both can learn to understand the merits of each other’s lifestyle.

And of course, our Open Parties are designed to bring together everyone, in one big happy play space. Although guests are still overwhelmingly binary, we hope as the world progresses and people become more accepting of diversity, sexuality in all its amazing forms can be expressed at The Rabbit Hole with no judgement or fear. And we can all play as One ☺️. (I know this last statement brings to mind one big giant orgy, and awesome if it did 😈; but I did really mean it from a spiritual sense truly!) 😁

Thank you everyone, for supporting us in our first year. Let’s make Year 2 even better!

Love to you all,

Wendee x



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